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This page will pop up every time you order just to remind you to check if any of your measurements have changed over time this is advised even if your old leggings fit as fabric will stretch even tough you may have gained.

press the orange save & continue button at the bottom of the page to continue to the payment

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can't be blank (Fill in or edit profile in account)
All fields are mandatory. Number of digits allowed after the decimal point for lengths in centimeters and inches are one and two, respectively.

can't be blank, is below minimum of 135.0

can't be blank, is below minimum of 26.0
Waist and hip circumferences

can't be blank, is below minimum of 50.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 50.0
Front lengths

can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0
Front circumferences

can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0
Upper widths

can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0
Back lengths

can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0
Arm and neck circumferences

can't be blank, is below minimum of 25.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 5.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0
Arm and shoulder lengths

can't be blank, is below minimum of 10.0 can't be blank, is below minimum of 2.0
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